1 Day Business Masterclass


Elevate your filmmaking career with our Business Masterclass. In this intensive workshop, you’ll gain the essential knowledge and skills needed to navigate the industry and turn your passion for film into a successful business venture.

Key Topics:

  • Using social media! (How to make interesting videos pictures, best apps to use, how to get followers, TikTok, Instagram etc)
  • Film financing and budgeting strategies.
  • Client retention
  • Building a personal brand as a filmmaker.
  • The apps we use to help us manage our company
  • Tips on advertising and marketing
  • How to go from £0 to £5000+ per month

Whether you dream of working with studios, or building a freelance career, this masterclass equips you with the business acumen to thrive in the competitive world of filmmaking. Don’t just make movies—make a sustainable and profitable filmmaking business. Join us to unlock your potential!

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    • Using social media! (How to make interesting videos pictures, best apps to use, how to get followers, TikTok, Instagram etc)
    • Client retention
    • Finance and dealing with money
    • Tips on advertising and marketing
    • The apps we use to help us manage our company
    • How to go from £0 to £5000+ per month

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